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Fortnite Season 10 is only hours away, and it looks to bring back some old favorites from past seasons. Take a look at the top 6 areas we want to return in Fortnite Season X

Season 10 of Fortnite will be releasing on August 1. All of the promotional material for the new season points to some time travel, which means we'll likely see some old-school Fortnite POIs coming back to the game.

Here are the six areas we'd like to have back for Fortnite Season X.

Greasy Grove

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We'll start with the first - and most likely - reemergence in Season 10: Greasy Grove.

Melt Greasy Grove!!

It's about time that the ice receded and brought back one of the most popular spots on the Fortnite map. The area is still there, and it always has been. It's just covered in ice.

Polar Peak is basically gone now, which was the POI that effectively replaced Greasy Grove on the map. A return to the "old" Fortnite would be a perfect time to get rid of the annoying ice rink and bring back a fan-favorite.

Dusty Depot Factories

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Everyone already knows that Dusty Depot is coming back. It was in the first teaser and trailer for Fortnite Season X.

What I'm more interested in, though, is the factories that were outside of Dusty Depot.

The meteor didn't just kill Dusty Depot - it killed everything around it as well.

The factories were my usual rotation after landing at Salty Springs and visiting Grandma's House. I'd then decide whether I wanted to push towards Dusty or Retail.

Nobody cares about Dusty Depot - bring back the factories!

Tilted Towers

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Neo Tilted was a huge flop. It's a far cry from the original Tilted Towers, and most of the player base wants the old Tilted to return.

The shift seems likely with Season 10. We know Fortnite is going into the past, and that the cables powering Neo Tilted have been on the fritz ever since the Mecha punched a hole in the vault.

After Dusty Depot and Greasy Grove, Tilted Towers seems like the third most-likely POI to return to Fortnite in Season 10.

Moisty Mire

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Moisty Mire went through several changes when it was in the game and even played host to a movie studio at one point.

This was a favorite place to land for many players, including myself. You could leave with max wood without really even trying, and there was more than enough loot to go around.

One of the elements that make me think Moisty Mire is coming back is that of the biomes. Fortnite has been adding biomes over the past several seasons with the jungle, forest, desert, and snow.

The one thing that's missing is a swamp, which was there before Moisty Mire dried out.

Anarchy Acres

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The Anarchy Acres area of the Fortnite map has been one of the locations that have been most prone to changing over the recent seasons.

We had Anarchy, then Lazy Links, then Lazy Lagoon. The pirate-theme is well in the rearview at this point, so it makes sense for Epic to make another change to that area of the map.

We don't need both Anarchy and Fatal in the game, but Epic could pull the old switcharoo - removing Fatal and replacing it with a new location while bringing Anarchy back.

Wailing Woods

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Wailing Woods is a lot like Moisty Mire - a ton of materials, a relatively safe place to land, and quite a bit of loot when you consider the additions made to the area.

Although most players don't really miss Wailing Woods, it would be interesting if Epic brought it back in some fashion. Sunny Steps isn't the most popular locations on the map, so it wouldn't be too much of an issue to replace it with a classic.

I also think that Lonely Lodge might be getting the boot with this update. It's been in the game since launch and has always been relatively uninteresting. Replacing it with Wailing Woods would make sense.

Follow us on Twitter @FortniteTracker for more Season 10 news.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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