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Fortnite Global Wins Leaderboards

Leaderboards refresh in 18m 39s.

Rank Player Wins Matches
1 49,524 78,098
2 29,175 41,522
3 27,556 50,487
4 26,796 51,436
5 25,650 43,551
6 23,380 67,387
7 22,903 25,097
8 21,924 54,986
9 20,499 42,940
10 19,983 42,099
11 19,791 51,775
12 19,481 33,910
13 19,134 72,120
14 18,445 35,700
15 18,199 36,739
16 18,115 20,382
17 17,841 37,021
18 17,632 43,806
19 16,531 60,682
20 16,350 57,027
21 15,999 28,221
22 15,763 38,848
23 15,587 18,370
24 15,449 37,636
25 15,111 43,894
26 15,093 30,383
27 14,819 45,654
28 14,693 30,673
29 14,638 19,081
30 14,368 36,085
31 14,306 25,514
32 14,303 36,148
33 14,200 40,297
34 13,955 66,745
35 13,923 44,310
36 13,918 26,976
37 13,916 25,671
38 13,758 47,916
39 13,545 49,262
40 13,419 37,631
41 13,367 38,455
42 13,347 37,897
43 13,180 94,392
44 12,829 22,706
45 12,749 27,317
46 12,721 23,964
47 12,717 37,239
48 12,631 37,412
49 12,441 46,642
50 12,427 32,562
51 12,202 35,176
52 12,126 44,134
53 12,108 46,777
54 12,056 26,790
55 12,052 72,942
56 12,035 43,852
57 12,025 34,948
58 11,959 49,600
59 11,949 27,330
60 11,928 32,713
61 11,922 23,260
62 11,858 40,538
63 11,847 44,617
64 11,824 23,999
65 11,803 45,998
66 11,785 21,140
67 11,782 41,552
68 11,664 31,671
69 11,565 42,777
70 11,556 27,760
71 11,435 78,839
72 11,421 21,944
73 11,387 23,226
74 11,365 31,620
75 11,350 28,909
76 11,338 47,283
77 11,323 22,927
78 11,271 36,207
79 11,259 22,330
80 11,253 35,286
81 11,221 57,771
82 11,126 43,017
83 11,099 60,101
84 11,046 34,288
85 11,035 46,909
86 11,032 17,080
87 11,029 30,740
88 11,002 33,278
89 10,965 19,573
90 10,939 30,224
91 10,932 26,346
92 10,874 35,276
93 10,870 49,228
94 10,837 46,933
95 10,764 24,579
96 10,763 25,785
97 10,745 30,849
98 10,656 27,584
99 10,599 36,715
100 10,594 27,083
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