404 Not Found. We are unable to find your profile.
Please make sure your spelling is correct, or follow the guide below if you play on Console.

Account Guide for Console Players

Note: Use the Console Search tool on the right, or above, to search for Xbox Live and PlayStation accounts without requiring an EPIC account name.

Where can I find my Account ID?

In the case that we cannot find your account using your display name, we support the ability to search using your Account ID. You only have to do this once.

In-Game go into Settings, then to the Account tab. On that page, under "Account Info" is a field called Account ID copy that value and enter it in our search. You will then be redirect to your profile page.

How can I find people with just a Gamertag or PSN ID?

You can use the Console Search functionality on this page or wrap their name while searching on the site, the mobile app, or our discord bot like so;

psn(ceyify) or xbl(ceyify)

How-to Guide: Getting your Epic Account name
  1. Login (DO NOT LINK) with your PlayStation or Xbox account on the official Fortnite site.

    If you are already logged into an account, Logout first.

  2. If prompted, create a new Epic Account with the display name you want to be searched with.
  3. Your Epic Account name should be shown in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Return here, or to the app, with your Epic Account name and search for your stats.
When I register, it says my name is in use?

This can happen. You might have another Epic Account, or someone else has taken it. If you know its yours, you can log into that account and change its name. The name should become available to register your new Epic Account.

Can I unlink my account and link it to another?

No. We highly discourage you to unlink your PlayStation or Xbox account from the newly created Epic Account. By doing so there is a high chance you loose your progress and/or bought items.

Console Search

Xbox Lookup does not work if you have an Epic account. You must search by Epic Name.

Console search allows you to lookup your profile using your Xbox Live Gamertag or PlayStation name. If the name is linked to an EPIC account, we will redirect to that. We recommend account owners to make an EPIC account.
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