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Fortnite pros are switching over to these new settings that allow keyboard and mouse players to benefit from controller style movement.

The controller versus keyboard and mouse debate has been one of the hottest topics in Fortnite for quite some time. Aim assist is always at the centre of the discussion, but aside from that, most people can agree on the general pros and cons of each input. One thing that has always been a huge bonus for controller players is the potential for 360-degree movement.

Keyboard and Mouse players on the other hand are limited to a total of 8 directions and therefore cannot sprint forward whilst also looking fully to the left or right. This can be an issue for late game tunnelling as well as simply checking to your sides whilst rotating.

Luckily there is a way around this problem! Recently a number of top pros including Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf and Turner “Tfue” Tenney have been trying out double movement keybinds. They are pretty simple to set up and will have you feeling just like you’re on the sticks.

Firstly, head into the “Keyboard Controls” section in your settings – the place where you would normally change your binds. Then you want to add another bind to “move left”. This should be a key that you don’t already use and that you can comfortably hit without using your ring finger (you need to be able to hit your forward key and both left keys at the same time). Next do the same for “move left”, again choosing a key that you don’t use and this time one that you wouldn’t hit with your index finger.

When you have this set up correctly, you will be able sprint forward and look to the left or right by holding down all 3 buttons together. It will take some getting used to, so be sure to spend some time in Creative before loading into any real matches. However, once you have mastered double movement binds you will be at an insane advantage. They will allow you to pull off new builds that were previously impossible and experience the full movement range that was originally exclusive to controller players.

If you are still struggling with the new settings, there are plenty of tutorials for double movement binds emerging. One of the best I have seen is from Fortnite tips and tricks genius “itsJerian”, check it out below for a video example.

Author Bio

James Peskett

James is a freelance Esports writer from the United Kingdom. He has been playing Fortnite since the release of Battle Royale mode and is especially interested in the competitive scene.


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