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In a new announcement, Epic Games discusses intentions to remedy a tournament bug that cost players thousands

In a recent article, we reported that a critical bug detrimentally impacted some squads in last week’s Fortnite Championship Series. TL;DR: When a teammate failed to load in, the rest of the team would not accrue any points scored. Full details and info here

Since then, users were quick to scour the official rules page for answers. What they were met with was quite surprising

Yes, the rules do state that Epic’s official leaderboards are final regardless of accuracy. Surely the legalease was only meant to cover a mega-corporation’s behind, but that didn’t stop the community from being (rightfully) frustrated over it

The story takes a positive turn as Epic Games just dropped a much anticipated bombshell on their competitive Twitter

Although details are currently sparse, we are in a much better position now compared to only a few days ago. Hell, Epic didn’t even know about the issue until it was brought to their attention through coverage and call-outs from notable competitive players. The fact that they will offer more details in a structured blog post by the end of this week encourages the idea that a patch may be in the pipeline

More importantly, Epic will recover all lost points from previous weeks and adjust payouts accordingly. The big winners here? Cented, Edgey, Rehx, and EpikWhale. They were the most damaged by this glitch, losing out on a combined total of $5,000 due to 18 points that didn’t count from Game 5

We got the chance to catch up with EpikWhale, who played for the aforementioned squad during week 2 and lost out on over $1,000. He was cautiously optimistic, saying “Yeah… I guess I’m just thankful they are paying us [the correct amount] in the end, but I hope they can communicate faster [next time]”

The buffed communication from Epic’s side has us thoroughly impressed. From bringing back patch notes to now this, corporate communication doesn’t get better than its current state… Fingers crossed it stays this way

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Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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