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While attempting to back out of a solo Arena game, Twitch celeb Nickmercs stumbled upon a no-fall damage glitch

… and now never taking fall damage is meta. Earlier today, Nick “Nickmercs” Kolcheff was leaving his solo Arena game to queue up with the boys (as one does)... But as he built higher and higher to die from fall damage, nobody could have expected what would transpire over the next few seconds

No, your eyes didn’t deceive you - man’s really just took zero damage. Maybe he bought a new pair of Yeezys, with extra sole support of course. On a more serious note, there is a method to his madness. Nick isn’t superman, but he did unintentionally figure out how to negate any fall damage

We did some extensive trial and error here at the Fortnite Tracker lab and found that the culprit is none other than the new bush. Yes, the pesky little shrubbery that Nickmercs trampled over before making his ascent up the staircase is what saved him

Take a look at the full breakdown here

Never take fall damage ft. Nickmercs [In-game exploit] from r/FortniteCompetitive

Fall damage exploits have actually been a recurring problem for Epic. Back in season X, the big meteor (which also negated fall damage) offered players the same exact “extra no fall damage jump” that is being described here. Only now, instead of a single meteor that most people didn’t typically interact with, this exploit is present wherever bushes are. So… basically everywhere?

When speaking about public matches, this glitch is almost harmless. If anything, it adds a little challenge to the game and spices things up. But in competitive play, the ramifications are increasingly daunting

Pro players can now elect to build high up in the air (without jumping of course), and bring back the “skybase” meta. Since practically nobody looks straight up during the hectic end-game zones, it’s free placement points. There’s literally no downside, and in a meta where mobility is scarce-to-none, I have a hunch that it could promote the skybase meta even further

Our advice: do not try this at home. Epic is a wildcard when it comes to punishing exploiters; whether this is a punishable offense or not remains unclear

How long will it take for this issue to get resolved? Tell us your thoughts on Twitter

Author Bio

Michael Hindi

Michael “Hindog” Hindi is an active Fortnite player and journalist from San Diego, California. His involvement with competitive Fortnite dates back to Season 5 - both on the battle bus and with a pen & paper.


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