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New Fortnite leaked skins show the 'Traveler' alien skin and the Female Cupid that will be coming to the item shop.

We haven't seen a content update yet this week, but that doesn't mean there aren't some encrypted skins to browse through while we wait.

Data miner @s1l0x was able to find a few stragglers in the game files and released them on Twitter early on September 17. We've seen most of the leaked skins from the last patch, so we can expect these two to be released in the next two weeks.

Traveler Skin

Let's start with this one because... well... for obvious reasons.

This skin is horrible. So horrible it's great.

Fortnite has a few different categories for skins:

  • Dope
  • Pretty good
  • Sweaty
  • Awful
  • Why?
  • Hilariously bad

This one falls into the "hilariously bad" category, and that's a good thing in my opinion. This skin will join the ranks of the Bronto and Pillar skins as one of the best worst skins in Fortnite.

This one comes with a UFO pickaxe for those who want the set. I'll probably skip this one, but tip my cap to anyone who I see wearing it.

Female Cupid

We knew this skin was coming for a while, now, based on a statue found in the game files.

This is a middle-of-the-road skin in my opinion. I've always been a fan of the Cupid wings - I bought the OG Love Ranger back in the day just for those - but I may end up skipping this one.

These days, I've only been buying skins that I know I'll use. I think I'm holding on for the next big thing, and this one ain't it for me.

If this was 2018, I'd buy this one in a heartbeat, though.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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