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Epic has discovered bugs with the BRUTE, the Star Wand Pickaxe, and the AC/DC Pickaxe. They have all been removed until further notice.

Fortnite's v10.30 update has caused a few bugs in the game. This has led Epic to remove two pickaxes and the mech from all Fortnite modes until further notice.

Not many players will care too much about the pickaxes, but Fortnite will be mech-free for at least a few more hours.

Remove the Mech

Those who are looking for some mech-free gameplay should load in and get to it. Epic removed the mech again, stating an unnamed bug as their reasoning.

I haven't seen anyone posting about why the mech was removed, but I don't think many people care. Hopefully, this bug lasts for more than a day.

Last time the mech was removed, Epic put it back in the game in less than 24 hours. Here's to hoping this is a more difficult bug to fix.

Pickaxe Bug

Epic also removed the AC/DC and Star Wand pickaxes from Fortnite. They didn't state the exact reason why they were removed, but it's likely because of the damage bug that Hypex tweeted about.

Fortunately, it doesn't look like too many players picked up on this bug while it was in the game. I didn't see any Reddit posts about it, so only a few silent players were able to take advantage of these OP pickaxes.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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