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Mechs are still one of the biggest problems in Fortnite, even after a substantial nerf. They spawn everywhere and a new bug discovered by SypherPK makes them more deadly than ever.

Another day, another game-breaking clip of the mech being broken. This one comes to us from SypherPK, who somehow got stomped by a mech while he was a mile and a half away from the mech's landing spot... and in mid-air.

The mechs underwent a substantial nerf before the last patch, limiting their ability to spam rockets and move around the map. Unfortunately, that's not nearly enough to fix these broken vehicles.

Mech Stomp Bug

Stay away from Mech Stomps (Broken) - SypherPK from r/FortniteCompetitive

This clip from SypherPK showcases the mech stomp bug. The stomps in the video go like this:

  • Stomp 1: Fair
  • Stomp 2: Broken
  • Stomp 3: What is this game?

The mechs have been in the "there's nothing you can do - just run away" category since their release. In solo, though, they're usually a little easier to counter.

You can shoot the driver out of the mech or pepper them when they decide to move seats and shoot. Solo mechs are the least intimidating, but this new bug allows them to jump and stomp to kill everyone in a three-mile radius.

This bug is clearly unintentional. Sypher is in the air when the third stomp hits him. All of this begs the question, though: why are the mechs still in the game?

The BRUTE has been one of the most buggy, broken, exploit-prone vehicles ever added to Fortnite. Why is it still here?

Mechs are Everywhere

enter image description here

I took this screenshot in one of my recent Duo games. As you can see, there are seven mechs in the circle with 22 people left. There could be 14 out of 22 players walking around in a mech in one of the last circles.

Not every game is like this, but enough of them are. There are far too many of these buggy, broken vehicles in Fortnite. Giving bad players a chance to get kills isn't enough of a reason to keep them in Fortnite.

I doubt Epic is this calculated, but it seems plausible that they nerfed and then reverted Turbo Building to get the competitive community off of their back.

Not as many people are talking about mechs anymore, but they need to get out of the game if Epic wants Fortnite to continue to dominate the gaming landscape.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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