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Epic finally speaks about the overpowered BRUTE. Unfortunately, there's no indication they're putting it in the vault anytime soon.

The BRUTE might be the least popular addition Epic Games has ever made to Fortnite. Sure, the Infinity Blade was unpopular and came at a worse time - the day of a tournament - but the BRUTE is ruining far more games than the Infinity Blade did.

The biggest problem with the BRUTE is that it's available in competitive modes. The r/FortniteCompetitive subreddit is littered with daily clips of our World Cup winner, Bugha, getting "outplayed" in Arena Mode by mech after mech.

I've gone on the record saying that Epic Games knew what they were doing when they added the BRUTE. They included it to cater to casuals and foster positive feedback in the long-run when they eventually decide to remove the thing.

The first stages of "Epic listening" has begun. Developer JustMooney1 posted an update on the BRUTE to r/FortniteCompetitive, saying that the team is "evaluating BRUTE gameplay," and, "observing how it performs across all modes and skill levels."

Status Update - B.R.U.T.E. from r/FortniteCompetitive

Epic had been silent on the issue of the BRUTE up until this point, so I guess we can see this short statement as a positive. Still, we clearly aren't going to see it removed for at least a few more weeks.

We all know how this is going to play out. Epic will nerf the BRUTE and attempt to fix some of the exploits we've seen pop up. After a few more weeks, they may nerf it again or skip to the part where they vault it entirely.

Who knows, maybe Epic will just lean into it and bring back the Infinity Blade and Thanos. Maybe they'll expand the no-building zone over Tilted Town to eclipse the whole map.

That's a bit of hyperbole, there. The point is, all roads lead to the BRUTE in the vault. Why delay the inevitable, Epic?

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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