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The countdown to Fortnite Season 10 has begun, but what will it bring? Here are five of our Fortnite Season 10 predictions.

We're less than two days away from the release of Fortnite Season 10, which means it's speculation time.

We likely won't get any substantial leaks - apart from the seasonal gun-jumping from the Playstation or Xbox shop - until the patch releases on Thursday morning. Now, all we can do is guess at what Fortnite Season 10 will bring.

Here are our top five predictions for the newest season of Fortnite.

The Return of Beloved Locations

We'll start with this one because it's the most obvious. Clearly, Dusty Depot isn't going to be the only place we'll see returning to Fortnite when Season 10 goes live.

A couple of the other locations that are likely to return include Greasy Grove and Tilted Towers - outside of that is anyone's guess. We'll have our predictions for you before the season starts, but it's safe to assume we'll be seeing some old friends when Season X kicks off.

Mobility Reduction

Season 9 of Fortnite was all about mobility. The Slipstreams and Floating Towers made traversing the Fortnite map easy.

It is nearly impossible to get stuck in the storm nowadays, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, the increased amount of mobility leads to fast-paced engagements and third-party altercations in nearly every fight.

If we're truly going back to the old days of Fortnite with Season 10, it's fair to think that Epic will be removing some of the mobility changes they added with Season 9.

Also, the removal of this new technology makes sense in the Fortnite lore. Those cables at Loot Lake are looking rough, and are clearly powering much of the new technology we've seen around the map. If they go, so do Neo Tilted and the Slipstreams.

With this reduction, we might see the return of Rift-to-Go's, as well, or more rifts spawning around the map. These mobility items were removed when the Slipstreams and Floating Towers entered the game.

The rifts could even tie this into the Fortnite lore through the orb at Loot Lake - potentially using a rift in time.

Interdimensional Lore

Fortnite might seem like a kid's game on its surface, but the lore included within the cartoonish Battle Royale is anything but. It involves multiple dimensions, 4D cubes, connections to the real world, and - if our guesses our correct - time travel.

The above video from The Game Theorists is almost five seasons old at this point, but I have yet to see another comprehensive video that digs so deeply into the Fortnite lore.

Season 5 seems to have brought us a challenging puzzle that no one ever solved. Epic was tying the Fortnite lore into the real world, suggesting that everything is somehow connected - that our experiences when we load into a match don't happen in isolation.

Season 10, with its hints towards going back to the past, looks to bring us more of this. Whether it's more evidence of interdimensional interactions or a full-on multiverse, we can expect some pretty mind-boggling lore from Fortnite's tenth season.

New Unlockable Styles

This one is a bit of a stretch, but I think unlockable styles for old skins would be an interesting tweak to Season 10 and the Battle Pass.

Fortnite has been out for two years now, and many players - such as myself - have stuck it out season after season. It would make sense for Epic to reward dedicated players with some new unlockable styles for older skins.

The sign that points me in this direction is the teaser image above. That seems to be the Drift skin on the right. Why would Epic be promoting an old skin from Season 5 if it wasn't due to a rework in the upcoming season?

Again, this is a bit of a stretch, but we could very well see some new unlockable styles for old skins if the future meets the past in Season 10.

A New Map

Okay - so this one is really out there. Epic has clearly remained committed to keeping a single Fortnite map throughout the course of their game. While other BRs were introducing new maps, Fortnite was changing the existing one to make it feel new.

Again, though, this all goes back to the future meeting the past. There's a chance that Epic releases a version of their old map as a static, unchanging entity while making updates to their current one.

This would make a lot of players happy and it would make sense in the lore if we're going in a multiverse/interdimensional/time travel direction.

I admit that this one is a bit of a pipe dream, but it's more plausible now than it ever was in the past.

Follow us on Twitter @FortniteTracker for all things Fortnite Season 10.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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