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The end of Fortnite Season 9 is approaching, which means some new overtime challenges and skin variants. We're also close to Fortnite's second birthday. Take a look at all of the leaked challenges and rewards for both events.

Fortnite v9.40 is live, and data miners have gotten to work uncovering skins, weapons, event details, and more in the game files.

We're coming up on the end of Season 9 and Fortnite's second birthday. These will come along with some overtime challenges, birthday challenges, and skin variants for dedicated players.

Here are all of the challenges and rewards.

Birthday Challenges

Fortnite's second birthday is coming up. Some fans assumed that this birthday event would coincide with the end of the season, but Epic has extended Season 9 past the World Cup to prevent any major updates before the biggest tournament in eSports history.

These challenges are very similar to the first Fortnite birthday, but the pickaxe is a much better reward than the original back bling.

Overtime Challenges

Since Season 9 has been extended a few weeks, most fans assumed there would be some kind of overtime challenges. Unless these XP challenges are placeholders, we won't be getting the next Battle Pass for free as we did during the Season 7 overtime challenges.

All of these challenges seem relatively easy, and only require you to play with friends instead of looking up guides and visiting specific locations.

New Skin Variants

Epic is also adding a few new skin variants to existing skins, outside of the Overtime challenges we included above. The Growler and Flapjackie both got some love here, with a black and white variant instead of their normal blue.

The Fishstick skin seems to increase in value with each event. This is the third variant added to the Fishstick, making it seem like a worthwhile purchase.

Sure, the skin is goofy, but you'll be getting four styles for the price of one. It's unclear whether or not this variant will have anything to do with challenges for the World Cup.

Overtime Variants

Above is a close-up of all of the variants for the Overtime challenges, including a new "White" variant for the Shadow Ops.

A lot of skins are getting new variants for the end of Season 9, so it will be interesting to see if any skins were left off this leaked list.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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