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14 Days of Summer day 2 has revealed the next unvaulted weapon: the Quad Launcher.

It's now day two of 14 Days of Summer - an event that brought us some new challenges to complete and some old weapons to use.

Yesterday, Epic unvaulted the LMG for 24 hours of use. Today, their unvaulted weapon is the Quad Launcher.

The LMG was never the most effective weapon in the game, but it was useful in certain scenarios and filled a unique role. The Quad Launcher, on the other hand, is much different.

The Quad Launcher returns

Yesterday, June 25, I wrote an article about the most and least-likely weapons or items to return to Fortnite with 14 Days of Summer. I included the Quad Launcher in the "unlikely" category but appears as though that may have been wishful thinking.

My thought process behind this was that the Quad Launcher was probably the most powerful explosive weapon to ever enter Fortnite. It was a must pick-up when it was in the game, even if it was very rare.

I thought that Epic may avoid adding such an overpowered weapon back to the game, but apparently, I forgot who I was dealing with.

In case you need a refresher, the weapon works exactly how its name suggests. It can fire four rockets in quick succession, allowing you to destroy structures and deal damage by aiming and clicking.

Stats: - Damage: 80/84 - Fire Rate: 1 rps - Mag Size: 4 - Reload Time: 4.75 seconds - Structure Damage: 315/330

The Quad Launcher sits in the middle of being a rocket launcher and a grenade launcher. It has the strengths of both, which makes it one extremely powerful weapon.

Although the gun is fun to use, it's horrible to go up against. Thankfully, it's only in the game for one day.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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