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The Fortnite patch v9.20 was a huge step in terms of figuring out exactly what's happening around the Fortnite map. Take a look at everything that's changed along with some of the leaks telling us what's to come.

The hype for the Season 9 event is picking up now that the v9.20 patch has released. We say goodbye to the Ice King's castle at Polar Peak and ponder over the mysterious footprints found on top of Greasy Grove.

There were also a few leaks surrounding the new event, which tells us a bit more about what will happen. This is everything we know so far.

Polar Peak

The time has come, people. Polar Peak is starting to fall - beginning with the castle.

The castle was the biggest attracting of the location, and the reason a lot of players landed there. You could get a ton of materials from the throne, chairs, and table - especially when you went there solo.

This was my favorite place on the map since Season 8, and it's a real shame to see it go.


In other news, there are footprints heading away from Polar Peak towards the edge of the map. The creature has escaped, and now we just have to wait and see what happens.

Event Leaks

We've seen a few leaks surrounding the event at Polar Peak. It's called "Cattus" in the game files, and the above tweet from @FortTory shows what looks like the beginning of the event in-game.

According to sound files from the event, it looks like the monster made its way to the water. Whatever it is will now be sitting in the ocean and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

That's all we know so far. Data miners will likely find some more information about what will happen in the Season 9 event, so stay tuned to @FortniteTracker on Twitter for more updates.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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