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The Baller has been temporarily disabled in Fortnite. Here's why.

Epic games tweeted today that they temporarily removed the Baller vehicle from Fortnite. All they cited was a "stability issue" in their tweet, but it's probably related to a death glitch that some players have encountered.

The bug seems to have started springing up yesterday. Players would leave a Baller on flat ground, only to die to fall damage when they exited the vehicle. No one other than Epic Games knows what was causing the bug you can see in action through the Reddit post below.

Epic needs to fix this fall damage bug with the balls from r/FortNiteBR

Although Epic never addressed the bug by name, it's safe to assume it's the reason the Baller has been removed.

We'll likely hear more news on the Baller's return in the next few hours or days. Although it's likely that the Baller will be coming back, a lot of players prefer the game without the newest vehicle.

The competitive community has been particularly critical of the Baller since it was released. Bouncing around the final few circles with the baller is a lot easier than using materials to rotate, meaning it's nearly a must-have item when you're in a competitive late-game.

Epic might be tweaking the Baller to prevent bugs at the moment, but I can't imagine it will stay in the game long-term without some alterations. Right now, there's no punishment for bouncing around in a Baller while other players fight it out around you.

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Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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