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Fortnite Dev Update January 12, 2018

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Fortnite developer Epic Games has just announced on Twitter a massive new update coming to the games' Battle Royale mode. This will be the first solid developer update to the game of 2018. Epic's Eric Williamson says in the video " With the end of the holiday event we're going to be removing the Christmas trees and the treasure chests that spawn next to them. This is for two reasons. The first reason is, the event is over. The second reason is, with all of the additional points of interest on the map update, we've got a lot more treasure chests, a lot more ammo crates, and we wanted to make sure that loot was distributed evenly, so that there isn't too much additional rare loot in the match. " In the new Fortnite Battle Royale developer update video (can be viewed here at twitter.com/FortniteBattle) which gave us all a look at the coming map update, which will include changes to biomes( A biome is a community of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in) to make them feel more distinct from one another, "The swamp feels swampier, the mountains feel more mountainy," Eric Williamson said and "Really, the different areas of the map feel more unique." The map update itself will add new points of interests and also naming areas on the west side of the maps, which Eric Williamson said is "a little bit light on points of interest" and the new points of interests should "even the island out, and make it feel like there are more locations to drop into." The Fortnite Battle Royale map update is due to go live next week which is exciting for the community with getting the first real map update of 2018 and having it go live as soon as next week. So keep your eyes open for some improvements to Fornite Battle Royale next week, and we all can't wait to see what comes next.

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