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Epic rolled out patch 7.10 for Fortnite this morning. Here's your breakdown of the patch notes while you wait for the update to download.

14 Days of Fortnite

We all know Fortnite loves the holidays, and they're getting into the spirit of the season with 14 Days of Fortnite. Essentially, this will be a rotating playlist of new and old LTMs that changes at 9 AM ET every morning, starting December 19.

Weapons & Items

The heavy assault rifles saw a couple of changes, most notably in the hip-fire department. The gun will no longer be as accurate when you're firing from the hip but will remain deadly while ADS.

The base accuracy of the gun was reduced by 30%, but Epic increased the accuracy when standing still by 10% and the ADS bonus by 10% as well. The vertical recoil was also reduced by 6%. Overall, these numbers seem to nerf the hip-fire accuracy while keeping ADS the same. We'll have to see if the change is noticeable when we get our hands on one.

The balloons saw a slight quality-of-life improvement as well. You can release the balloons with "crouch" instead of "jump," which means you won't be releasing as many balloons by accident anymore.

Bug Fix: Although I never ran into this bug myself, you can no longer pick up dynamite through structures.


This is where the biggest changes came, including one regarding the Stormwings that we heard about last week. Stormwings will take 50% more damage when hitting objects, and players inside the Stormwing will take 50 damage when the plane gets destroyed. You will also take additional damage when flying through structures in a plane.

Hopefully, these changes are enough to designate the Stormwings to more of a mobility role, rather than the kamikaze nonsense they have been thus far.

Other additions include ground vehicles sliding on ice, "no scopes" in the kill feed, and the ability to stick the landing on four wheels without taking fall damage.

There were several bug fixes relating to the ziplines, most notably fixing the bug that had players being shot into the stratosphere while being near a zip line.


We can expect more Pop-Up Cups and Friday Night Fortnite competitive modes coming soon.

Epic also adjusted the resource caps from 700/500/300 to 500/500/500. The number of materials is the same, but you can now carry more brick and metal.

They did nerf the number of resources you get upon an elimination, though. Instead of 100/50/50, you'll now get 50/50/50 when you kill a player in one of these modes.

There was also a bug that didn't grant players the elimination rewards when getting a kill with a trap. This has been fixed.

Other Noteworthy Changes

The changes above are the biggest and the ones most related to gameplay. There were some adjustments made to the mobile game, some additions to Playgrounds and Creative Mode, and some emoting changes.

One of the biggest little changes that Epic made was to the Infinite Dab in the lobby. This emote now lasts for 10 hours, so have fun trolling your friends with that one.

View the entirety of the patch notes here. Stay tuned to Fortnite Tracker for more news, updates, and Item Shop additions.

Author Bio

Jimmy Russo

Jimmy is a passionate gamer and writer from Boston, MA. He plays Fortnite on Xbox One. You can find him in Creative Mode practicing his 90's. Follow him on Twitter @JimmyDangus


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